System quattro stroller


Year 2022
Customer Inglesina

In our collaboration with Inglesina, we have paid great attention to the world of childhood and thanks to Inglesina's great experience, we have been able to better understand the characteristics that are required in a product connected to the world of mother and child.

Since 1963, the Inglesina company has had a strong presence and a lot of experience in this sector. In fact, it has innovated the sector of strollers, cots, and car seats and, based on their desire for continuous experimentation, they have commissioned MM Design Studio to carry out research on urban style themes. This analysis has led to the creation of some concepts that represent a new way of understanding mobility in a city.

Urban style was the recurring theme of the entire project, stemming from key concepts such as lightness, compactness, maneuverability, and ease of use.

A close collaboration with Inglesina's innovation department has allowed us to experiment with various solutions, which were then transformed by Inglesina into the new Electa product.

The choice of wheels facilitates movement on any type of road surface; the suspension system absorbs shocks in the event of uneven floors or steps; the lower basket can comfortably accommodate any type of object and the push handle has a pleasant feel and a comfortable mechanism which is ergonomically beneficial to the user. However, the greatest amount of attention was obviously concentrated in the area hosting the child, in order to

Lightness is one of the main requirements for a product like a stroller, which must be easily transportable and loaded into a car, as well as on a tram or other public tranport. The entire frame is made out of a special aluminum alloy, which makes it extremely light while still being solid, as seen especially in the opening and closing mechanisms of the stroller itself. 

The textile coverings used are the result of careful research aimed at giving the baby and child maximum comfort in every season: protecting them in the winter, but letting them feel fresh during those hot metropolitan summers.

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