Marketing and design: Together to Innovate

Marketing and design: Together to Innovate

Marketing and Design seem to be two completely different realities, but together they can create unbelievable synergy. Marketing can be the perfect tool to analyse what the market is asking for, while Product Design can be the perfect answer—a real and effective answer, which can represent strategic opportunities for companies to find and develop new markets and products.

The results of this alliance could be really outstanding: promoting an influential impact on the way business is done in an entire sector, while also changing the rules of the game. Being innovative is a key factor, especially for industries which are facing important structural changes, such as the traditional retail sector, where digitalization and e-commerce are immensely transforming the competitive environment.

A key aspect in this industry is the possibility to offer a unique and engaging experience, actively involving the customers and making them experience something completely new. A place where additional service can increase the value proposition, with the possibility of introducing traditional products in a completely new context. Afterwards, design enters, bringing with it the crucial role of helping companies find new playing fields, as well as re-designing the competitive environment.

Italian Artisan Gelato: A Way to Add Value

Ice cream could be a perfect example of an extra service, which could improve overall customer experience. To be specific, we are talking about Italian Artisan Gelato—considered by those living abroad as the perfect example of the Italian Lifestyle

The main difference from industrial ice cream is a slower production process, with most phases taking more than a day. The most important part is the freezing stage, a process that transforms the liquid mix into a solid, slowly embodying air and making the gelato softer and creamier.

It is present in 76 countries around the World with a market of 15 billions of euro. Europe is the most important market, with a lot of other countries around the Globe with double digit growth rate.

Growth scenario for Italian Artisan Gelato

There are many paths which could foster the growth of Italian Artisan Gelato. Firstly, it would be beneficial to take advantage of the large-scale industrial ice cream market and its customers, who are very familiar with this product category. Consumers are used to the consumption of ice cream, but it is necessary to guide them toward a more sophisticated product. In this way, Italian Artisan Gelato will be the perfect answer, offering an excellent alternative. In addition, there could be an opportunity to foster the ‘premiumization’ trend in the industry. Companies compete in the differentiation of their offers by fostering the excellence of their product and an increase in the variety of flavours.

Even more important is the link with Italy and, especially, the Italian mindset, which makes Italian Artisan Gelato the perfect expression of the Italian Lifestyle. It becomes a product which can express values, such as authenticity and light-heartedness, while recalling childhood memories. From this, it can be interesting and challenging at the same time, while focusing attention on the well-received Made in Italy perception.

Finally, key drivers of the diffusion of Italian Artisan Gelato are Italian immigrants. They have exported the product both in a direct way, by opening new ice cream parlours, and in an indirect way, through its consumption.

In conclusion, how can market requests be met? That is the task of design! We will shortly present our proposal to you.

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